Additional Guidelines

To be considered for grant funding from the CenterPoint Energy Foundation, organizations must:

  • Be a nonprofit organization and have obtained recognition of tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) as a public charity under Code 509(a) and in good standing. (If an organization is exempt under Section 509(a)(3), it must be Type I or Type II.)
  • Have their organization's primary address located within CenterPoint Energy's footprint

What we look for in an applicant organization:

  • Financial stability
  • Mission closely related to the Foundation's priorities
  • Strong leadership and governance
  • Reflective of the community being served (i.e. Diverse board and staff; engaging clients in development, implementation and/or evaluation of programs, etc.)

When reviewing proposals, preference is given to funding opportunities/initiatives that:

  • Fit closely with the Foundation's funding priorities
  • Address community needs related to our funding priorities
  • Include financial commitments from a variety of sources
  • Utilize an effective evaluation plan specific to the proposed funding opportunity/initiative
  • Demonstrate measurable and sustainable goals and outcomes


The CenterPoint Energy Foundation does not provide funding for the items or organizations listed below.

Please note, this is not an exhaustive listing and additional restrictions may also apply.

  • School clubs/organizations, including, but not limited to bands, athletic or academic teams, booster clubs, PTO/PTA
  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age, or religion
  • Meals, tickets, dues, memberships, fees, travel, tuition, subscriptions, and other tangible benefits
  • Political, labor, military, international or fraternal organizations
  • Childcare fees/subsidies or K-12 tuition
  • Programs administered by religious organizations for religious purposes
  • Sponsorships, fundraisers, races, telethons, marathons, benefits, banquets, galas, golf tournaments, festivals, or other events
  • Debt retirement or funding of any activity that is already completed
  • Individuals
  • Contests, competitions, athletics, pageants, or talent contests
  • Scholarly or medical research
  • A 509(a)(3) Type III supporting organization charity
  • Endowments or scholarships
  • Previous grantees who have not submitted required reporting

Please contact if you have questions about your eligibility.