​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Benefits of a Standby Generator​

How Will my Business Benefit from Installing a Standby Generator?

If your business has ever lost power for any length of time due to severe weather such as a hurricane or other disruptions, you can understand the importance of backup power generation for providing uninterrupted business operations, revenue and employee and customer security and comfort. Imagine just a few hours without:

  • air conditioning
  • electronics like computers and cell phones
  • emergency lights
  • security systems
  • fire alarm systems
  • refrigerators or freezers
  • and more

Installing a natural gas standby generator provides peace of mind. You can reassure your stakeholders that even if there's an outage, within seconds, you will continue to do business as usual with the comfort and convenience electricity provides. Natural gas-fueled generators are very reliable and convenient. Plus the wide range of generator sizes allow you to back up just a few dedicated circuits or your core business processes.

Why Should Commercial Customers Care About Quick Power Restorations?

When the power goes out at your home, you are inconvenienced; you might lose some refrigerated or frozen food and may need to get by with a flashlight for a while. When the power goes out at your business, the stakes are much different and can be much higher:

  • Lost revenues
  • Lack of service prevents you from meeting business goals
  • Lack of service could damage your brand reputation
  • Lack of service could jeopardize employee or customer safety
  • Potential equipment damage