Natural gas main installation and service line work is complete in the Fulton Neighborhood. Restoration is the last step in upgrading infrastructure and will last a few weeks. Due to the colder temperatures, crews will perform temporary restoration efforts throughout the fall with permanent solutions to come in the spring and summer of 2025 as weather conditions allow.
Sidewalks receive temporary asphalt, allowing for safe snow removal and transportation throughout the cold months. In the spring, permanent concrete restoration will occur as temperatures are warmer.
To control winter erosion on boulevards and lawns, holes are backfilled with dirt and covered with straw matting. In 2025, black dirt, grass seed and biodegradable netting will replace the temporary work done this fall. This practice promotes effective grass growth come spring.
Thank you for your patience this season as we performed important infrastructure upgrades. Have a wonderful fall!
Service work, performed by CenterPoint Energy authorized contractor Michels Corporation, began last Friday, Oct.18. Crews began working on Zenith Avenue S. between 50th Street W. and 52nd Street W.
Services in the Fulton Neighborhood are anticipated to wrap up in the next few weeks.
What will CenterPoint do in 2024?
For several weeks starting in fall 2024, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors will work in the Fulton and the Kenny Neighborhoods in Minneapolis to upgrade portions of CenterPoint’s natural gas infrastructure. The crews will work along Zenith Avenue S. between 49th Street W. and 52nd Street W.
The crew plans to bore the main underneath the east sidewalk from 49th Street W. to 50th Street W. and under the west sidewalk from 50th Street W. to 52nd Street W. Although traffic plans are to be determined, please expect parking closures. There will be no assessment or cost associated with our work.
This spring, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors will return to Fulton Neighborhood to permanently restore the areas affected by last year’s work in the fall, and to replace natural gas lines on select blocks on 50th Street W. between Abbott and Lyndale Avenues S.
CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors, Michels Corporation and Q3 Contracting, plan to finish the project’s natural gas work by the end of the week of October 24 and to finish the project’s restoration within the first or second week of November respectively. Below is the anticipated schedule for the work on York Avenue S.:
By this Friday, the crew anticipates that the new concrete sidewalks on the 4500 block of York Avenue S. should finish curing. New concrete sidewalk panels will look white and will fade over time to match the existing gray sidewalk panels.
The restoration of a block’s boulevards and lawns are planned to happen after the block’s sidewalks are cured. This Monday, October 24, the crew plans to begin restoring the soft surfaces on the 5400 block of York Avenue S., working north. They anticipate that by the end of the week of October 24, they will have reached the 5000 block of York Avenue S. Within the first or second week of November, they plan to restore the soft surfaces on the 4500 block of York Avenue S.
The final of the project’s natural gas work is anticipated to be done within this month or early November. The restoration crew plans to finish all the project’s restoration by the end of October or early November. Although the crew plans to permanently restore the boulevards and lawns, they are prepared to put down erosion control blankets if the weather is too cold. If that happens, the crew will return in spring 2023 for permanent soft surface restoration.
CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors are progressing on the Fulton Neighborhood project. The final streets to have natural gas work are listed below.
In the next approximately seven weeks, the crew plans to connect the natural gas service lines to the new mains and move inside meters outside on the following two streets: York Avenue S. from 54th to 48th Streets W. and from 47th to 44th Streets W.; and Abbott Avenue S. from 44th to 46th Streets W.
On the following streets, the crew will return to connect the new mains to the existing intersecting mains. This concludes the natural gas work on these streets. The work will happen at intersections. Final restoration will happen after this work is done:
Zenith Avenue S. from 54th to 52nd Streets W.; Abbott Avenue S. from 54th to 49th Streets W. and from 47th to 46th Streets W.; Beard Avenue S. from 54th to 50th Streets W. and from 48th to 47th Streets W.; and Ewing, Drew, and Chowen Avenues S. from 54th to 52nd Streets W.
Q3 Contracting is following Michels Corporation to restore the areas affected by their work. We appreciate your patience as we’re working as efficiently as we can.
A crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, anticipates that the project’s remaining natural gas work will take approximately seven weeks to complete. Each block takes approximately 1 to 1.5 weeks for one crew to finish the service line and meter work. There are some blocks throughout the project where the crew is coordinating with customers on their service line and meter work.
Q3 Contracting, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, is following behind the Michels Corporation crew. They estimate that at least approximately one week after the gas work is done on a block, the concrete restoration begins, with the soft surface restoration to follow. The crew apologizes for any delays in restoration’s timing. We appreciate your patience as we work as efficiently as we can.
This week, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, plans to begin connecting the service lines to the new main and moving inside meters outside on Abbott Avenue S. between 49th and 54th Streets W. They anticipate that the service line and meter work on this road will take approximately two to three weeks. During this time, parking will be restricted on both sides of Abbott Avenue S for two blocks at a time. While one sidewalk will be closed at a time as needed, the other side will remain open.
This work is in addition to the service line and meter work on Beard Avenue S. from 43rd to 54th Streets W., which is continuing for approximately a few more weeks.
CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors are progressing on the project. A crew from Michels Corporation replaced all the project’s natural gas mains.
Another Michels Corporation crew is connecting the service lines to the new mains and moving inside meters outside on Beard Avenue S. from 43rd to 54th Streets W. They will be on these blocks for the next few weeks.
This week, a crew from Q3 Contracting is preparing the 4700 block of Drew Avenue S. to be paved by the City of Minneapolis. Since they restored the concrete sidewalks on this block, they will begin restoring the boulevards and lawns on this block.
Gas main
Until the end of the week of July 11, the crew plans to replace the main under the east sidewalk of York Avenue S. from 44th to 47th Streets W. The project’s remaining streets to have new natural gas mains are Beard and Abbott Avenues S. from 44th to 48th Streets W. and 46th Street W. from Beard to Zenith Avenues S. The mains will be replaced under the east sidewalks of Beard and Abbot Avenues S.
Service line and meter work
Each crew that is working on the service lines and meters are working on approximately one block per week. The crews are currently working on the service lines and meters on Ewing Avenue S. from 48th to 50th Streets W. and on Drew Avenue S. from 49th to 50th Streets W. The next streets will be Chowen Avenue S. from 44th to 47th Streets W. and from 50th to 54th Streets W. and Beard Avenue S. from 44th to 48th Streets W. and from 50th to 54th Streets W. These blocks on Chowen and Beard Avenues S. will take approximately 1.5 months to complete the service line and meter work.
Q3 Contracting is working behind the Michels service line crews. One crew is replacing the concrete sidewalks, working north on Ewing and Drew Avenues S. from 53rd Street W. Another crew is restoring the affected lawns and boulevards on Vincent and Washburn Avenues S. between 44th and 47th Streets W.
Gas main
For the next approximate week, a crew will replace the main under the east sidewalk of York Avenue S. from 49th to 52nd Streets W. For safety, the crews will close parking on both sides of York Avenue S. in this area.
Service line and meters
Each crew that is working on the service lines and meters are working on approximately one block per week. While one crew is on Ewing Avenue S. from 49th to 50th Streets W., heading north, another crew is on Drew Avenue S. from 50th to 51st Streets W. When each crew is on a block, parking is restricted on both sides of the road. They are instructed to move their equipment as they head to the next block.
Q3 Contracting is working closely behind the Michels service line crews. One crew is replacing the concrete sidewalks on the 5200 blocks of Ewing and Drew Avenues S. Another crew is restoring the affected lawns and boulevards on Vincent and Washburn Avenues S. between 44th and 47th Streets W.
In the weeks of June 13 and 20, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, plan to replace the natural gas main under the east sidewalk of Zenith and York Avenues S. between 52nd and 54th Streets W. During this time, parking will be restricted on both sides of Zenith and York Avenues S. in this area.
Last week, another Michels Corporation crew connected the natural gas service lines to the new main on Drew Avenue S. between 53rd and 54th Streets W., working under the east sidewalk. They plan to continue working on this block during this week, moving to the next block north by the end of this week.
The crew will be moving north on Drew Avenue S. They estimate working on one block per 1 to 1 ½ weeks. In areas where the crews are working, parking will be restricted on both sides of Drew Avenue S.
A crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, are currently replacing the service lines and moving inside meters outside on the 5300 block of Ewing Avenue S., working north. They estimate completing approximately one block per week. We appreciate your patience as we upgrade our natural gas lines.
In the week of May 31, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will replace the natural gas main under the east sidewalk of Chowen Avenue S. between 44th and 46th Streets W. During this time, parking will be restricted on both sides of Chowen Avenue S. in this area.
In the week of June 6, the crew will replace the main under the east sidewalk of Beard Avenue S. between 52nd and 54th Streets W. During this time, parking will be restricted on both sides of Beard Avenue S. in this area.
Another Michels Corporation crew is connecting the natural gas service lines to the new main on Ewing Avenue S. from 52nd to 54th Streets W.
Natural gas main replacements
Since late April, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, has replaced natural gas mains along the following streets: Ewing Avenue S. from 45th to 52nd Streets W. 46th Street W. from France to Chowen Avenues S.; and Drew Avenue S. from 44th to 47th Streets W. Within the next few weeks, they will return to the intersections of Chowen Avenue S. and 46th Street W. and of Drew Avenue S. and 44th Street W.
In the week of May 16, the crew will replace the natural gas mains under the east sidewalk of Drew Avenue S. between 47th and 52nd Streets W. During this time, parking will be restricted on both sides of the street in this area.
Service line and meter work
Another Michels Corporation crew has been connecting the natural gas service lines to the new mains and moving inside meters outside. They began on Vincent Avenue S. between 44th and 47th Streets W. and are currently working on Washburn Avenue S. between 44th and 47th Streets W., focusing on the 4500 and 4600 blocks. Parking will be restricted on both sides of the road where they are working.
Q3 Contracting has been restoring the areas affected by Michels Corporation’s work as the service line and meter work is finishing on each block.
In the week of May 2, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will replace the natural gas main under the east sidewalk of Ewing Avenue S. between 48th and 44th Streets W. During this time, parking will be restricted on both sides of Ewing Avenue S. in this area. Weather permitting, the crew may work on Saturday, April 30 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to expedite their work.
In the week of April 25, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will replace the natural gas main under the east sidewalk of Chowen Avenue S. between 52nd and 54th Streets W. During this time, parking will be restricted on both sides of the street in this area.
When they are done replacing the main on Chowen Avenue S., they will begin replacing the main under the east sidewalk of Ewing Avenue S. from 52nd to 48th Streets W. During this time, parking will be restricted on both sides of the street in this area.
Weather permitting, the crew may work on Saturday, April 23 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to expedite their work.
East side of project
A crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, replaced the project’s natural gas main on Vincent Avenue S. from 44th to 47th Streets W.
Tomorrow on Saturday, April 9, they will work between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to expedite the construction. They will replace the main on Vincent Avenue S. from 44th to 45th Streets W. During this day, parking will be restricted on both sides of Vincent Avenue S.
In the week of April 11, the crew will replace the main under the east sidewalk of Washburn Avenue S., starting from 44th Street W. and heading to 47th Street W. For two blocks at a time, the crews will close parking on both sides of Washburn Avenue S. The west sidewalk will remain open.
In the week of April 18, finishing by Monday, April 25, the crew will replace the main under the south sidewalk of 45th Street W. from Xerxes to Upton Avenues S. For two blocks at a time, the crews will close parking on both sides of 45th Street W. The north sidewalk will remain open.
West side of project
From Monday, April 11 to the afternoon of Wednesday, April 13, another Michels Corporation crew will close 52nd Street W. just east of France Avenue S. to replace the natural gas main. The bus stop on that corner will be closed during this time. After that work is done, the crew will replace the main under the north sidewalk of 52nd Street W. toward Xerxes Avenue S. before replacing it under the east sidewalk of Ewing Avenue S. from 52nd to 54th Streets W. In areas where the crews are working, they will close parking on both sides of the affected roads.
Today on Monday, April 4, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, has begun replacing the project’s natural gas mains. This week, the crew plans to replace the main on 52nd Street W. from France to Xerxes Avenues S. Parking is restricted on both sides of 52nd Street W. where the crews are working.
The remaining natural gas line replacements are anticipated to last into mid- or late summer.
A crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will begin replacing the project’s natural gas mains under the east sidewalk on Vincent Avenue S. at 44th Street W., working south before heading to Washburn Avenue S. at 44th Street W.
The crew estimates that each block will take approximately one week to replace the natural gas main. In areas of active construction, the east sidewalk will be closed, the west sidewalk will remain open, and parking will be restricted on both sides of the road. Traffic signs will be placed over any excavations or removed sidewalk panels. These will stay in place until the second Michels Corporation crew comes to connect the service lines to the new main.
In approximately six weeks, the crew plans to close the intersection of Washburn Avenue S. and 47th Street W. to connect the new natural gas mains to the existing intersecting mains. This closure is anticipated to last for one business day.
Join us for a virtual meeting on Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m.
While Fulton Neighborhood Association will host its monthly meeting, CenterPoint Energy will answer questions about this year’s natural gas work in the Fulton Neighborhood.
To join on your computer, follow this link on Google Meet:
https://meet.google.com/xgj-pfxx-fpx. To join on your phone, dial
+1 617-675-4444 and press the PIN number 939 265 624 7276#. We hope to see you there!
What will CenterPoint Energy do?
From Monday, April 4 to fall 2022, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors will work in Minneapolis’s Fulton Neighborhood. While Michels Corporation will replace the natural gas mains, connect the natural gas service lines to the new mains, and move any inside meters outside, Q3 Contracting will restore the areas affected by Michels Corporation’s work. During this time, lane shifts will occur. Parking may be restricted on the side of the street where the crews are working. The crews will work along select streets from 44th to 54th Streets W. and from France to Upton Avenues S.
What if I have an inside gas meter?
The customer will receive a CenterPoint Energy postcard in the mail typically within one or two weeks prior to the day when the Michels Corporation crews will perform the work. The crews will have CenterPoint Energy-authorized photo IDs stating that they are employees of Michels Corporation.
After the customer receives the postcard, the foreman will arrive at the customer’s house to schedule an appointment that typically meets with the customer’s schedule. If the customer isn’t home when they arrives, he will leave a door tag with his contact information to schedule an appointment with him.
Customers are advised to set aside a two- to four-hour time frame for the inside-to-outside gas meter move. They are also advised to mark their privately-installed utilities such as dog fences or sprinklers. Marking can be accomplished with tools such as spray paint or utility flags. The foreman will access the natural gas meter inside the house, move the meter outside, and relight the natural gas appliance pilot lights after the new meter has been relocated.
Customers with outside meters will be notified prior to the replacement or connection of the service lines to the new mains. Areas affected by our work will be restored to their original condition.
What should I expect during restoration?
On the soft surfaces such as boulevards and lawns, various erosion control measures keep the restored area moist, hold seed in the soil, and enhance seed germination. If an erosion blanket is needed it is secured in place with staples. The mesh is a wood fiber that will completely degrade. Prior to mowing the restored area, remove any loose staples that secured the blanket.